you are what you read.

i may write my views.
that might appeal to yours.
or even oppose to your beliefs.
i may write my heart out.
to let your hearts know that i, too, know.
i may write long, or short.
i may write jargons.
but words are never jargons to me.
you may succeed to despise my words,
or fail to hide the sense you get in them.
try as you might, do your very best, for trying is living.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

with a hug, comes the dimple and shiny eyes.

oh, let me see!! let me see!!

that rare dimples on the right side of your cheeks.

and that shine only your eyes can portray.

wait! what's that??

with a puzzled frown on my forehead, i reach out.

to touch your face. gently, afraid that i might break such a fragile feature.

your forehead wrinkled, your cheeks flushed, your lips tight with unexpressed emotions.

the small stream of water that flows from your eyes,

oh, now it's flowing more.

i let go of your face.

now i can't think.

it hurts me so much to see you so in pain.

come here, a hug will do.

yes, i hugged you. wishing to the world that it'll provide you all the relief you need.

and the concern that is inexplicable through words for words can never truly show the gravity of it.

i closed my eyes, willing the flow of everything-is-gonna-be-just-fine aura into you.

and then, your sobs stopped.

i slowly held you back.

and, i saw, the tears have stopped.

and you're smiling.

and that well as that brightness in your eyes,

made me know that i've done the right thing to comfort you,

my dear friend.

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