you are what you read.

i may write my views.
that might appeal to yours.
or even oppose to your beliefs.
i may write my heart out.
to let your hearts know that i, too, know.
i may write long, or short.
i may write jargons.
but words are never jargons to me.
you may succeed to despise my words,
or fail to hide the sense you get in them.
try as you might, do your very best, for trying is living.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

it's not how you think it is.

if you think everyone else is always there to look out for you,

you're wrong.

that's why we have the word independence installed in the dictionaries,

that's why we need to use the survival instincts God gave us.

ironically, you seem to think that everyone is at your service.

no we don't. we have our own priorities and dreams too.