you are what you read.

i may write my views.
that might appeal to yours.
or even oppose to your beliefs.
i may write my heart out.
to let your hearts know that i, too, know.
i may write long, or short.
i may write jargons.
but words are never jargons to me.
you may succeed to despise my words,
or fail to hide the sense you get in them.
try as you might, do your very best, for trying is living.

Monday, December 6, 2010


i've heard of people thinking that women wearing the hijab are either bald or have bad hair. haha...i didn't believe it at first.

until three people confessed to me that they thought i'm bald. =.="

i don't feel insulted tho. haha. i find it cute somehow. i love seeing their faces the first time i let this hair of mine get exposed in front of the girls. :) bila nmpk my hair, they'll gush...n say wow..nurul..we've never seen your hair.

my reply? 'did u think i hv no hair?' *they'll blush n nod* hehe. :)

when i first came here, my flatmates were pretty cool about seeing my hair. so i thought, no one can think i'm bald ryte? but they have a different case pulak. i took out my telekung n sejadah...they admitted that's the first time they see muslim praying up close. :) at first, they were pretty afraid and curious of what i recite in my prayers and they were like reallyyyyyyyy worried on why i had to pray so many times. :) haha...after a lot of explanations and girl talk about period and stuff....they understand that i'm not that different pun. :) just kene solat. n pakai tudung n jaga diri elok2. :) as in no drinking n drugs. :)

sometimes when they're drunk, they'll say, nurul how we wish you can go out partying with us n drink some beer or play tequila game or something...wear nail polish, get high and show my hair. n wear make up everyday...:) hehehe...well, girls...i'm happy as who i am ryte now. i may not have a night life here, but in Malaysia, i can get pretty wild. >:) remembering the midnight trips to kedai mamak, wayang and idea of having fun is just different. :) but i accept the way you girls are. just like you accept me. :)

truthfully, it gets lonely sometimes. they even think i'm sweet n innocent (kalau laaaa kawan2 msia tau ni..mau kene gelak...) but x kisah. masing2 ada pegangan masing2, n i love how they respect me n xde pulak nk prejudice ke apa ke. :) Thank God. :)

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