you are what you read.

i may write my views.
that might appeal to yours.
or even oppose to your beliefs.
i may write my heart out.
to let your hearts know that i, too, know.
i may write long, or short.
i may write jargons.
but words are never jargons to me.
you may succeed to despise my words,
or fail to hide the sense you get in them.
try as you might, do your very best, for trying is living.

Monday, March 15, 2010

you can do this.

so, here i am.

fretting my head out. being tired with the non-stop thinking processes i've been doing since the last few weeks.

one beautiful morning, still dripping after a long shower, i checked my mailbox. the usual facebook notifications filled everything before i saw that SCARY email of YOUR NYU DECISION. i opened it, taking in deep breath, just wincing as i thought of rejection (had many bad experiences on rejection). My mind sort of accepted the fact when i read 'WE REGRET TO INFORM YOU THAT WE ARE UNABLE TO OFFER YOU ADMISSION TO COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE. so there goes my dream place to study finance. the word HOWEVER made me read the whole text. i couldn't believe my eyes. Alhamdulillah, i got an offer to NEW YORK UNIVERSITY on a liberal studies program.

the best thing about this program is that, i need to study in either london, florence or paris for my first year before i get to go to new york for my sophomore year. i chose london. always wanted to go there. :) and here it is, the chance. tO GO BOTH NEW YORK AND LONDON, two famous cities in the world.

i can assure you i was totally giddy with the news that at first, i didn't tell anybody. imagine me, the boisterous, hyperactive girl keeping a secret and shutting her mouth and most of all, remain calm when delivering the news. being usually excited about anything, that's something new my body and mind need to handle. i mean, it's a good news but i didn't declare it until i went to class which was at eleven o'clock that day. i was scared, if i tell, i'll wake up from a dream or something. i told my friends in a gradual manner. today, him or her. tomorrow, him or her. then, them. my sd frens of course and a few others who really helped me a lot throughout the year.

so, now, let's see the problems.

1. NYU is not listed in sime darby's list.

i will have to work hard for this. i've already asked a few of my seniors about the process to 'fight' for getting sponsorship to go to a uni that's not in the list. plus, since the offer is about going to two wayyy different cities, i will need to convince them. convince them like NYU's my life. :)

2. my parents and a few of my cousins were not that keen.

when i delivered the news, my parents were like, NEW YORK??!! how about cost of living, how about the expenditure?? and all the financial worries. my cousins, they told me to be practical and realistic. hmm...well, from my point of view, i would be angry that they did not share the same excitement as i did because, first, they DON'T EVEN HAVE AN INKLING of how the USapps work. secondly, they're just focused on me going to Australia and not see my potentials in US.

however, this is where my role needs to be played really WELL. i will need to show them the financial state can easily be controlled. i'll ask about my seniors over there in New york (or anywhere near new york). about practicality (like going back to m'sia in case of emergency), well, it has yet to be thought of. i'll think of something. i know i will do whatever it takes to get to my dream school.

come on hidayah. you can do this. (^_^)


  1. congratez dayah =)
    and good luck to you..hehe...
    will support u anytime =D

  2. fight for it dayah!!
    congratzz happy for you :))))

  3. hey, congrats!
    no worries. hopefully, we will make changes in sd.
